Queen’s Life Science

The Queen’s University Life Sciences program is a discipline-based biomedical science degree program in which students learn topics such as anatomical, biochemical, epidemiological, immunological, microbiological, pathological, pharmacological, and physiological sciences.

Students can opt to minor, major or specialize in a Life Science degree program. Students who specialize have the option complete subplans in cardiovascular and respiratory sciences, drug development and human toxicology, cancer biology and genetics, biomedical discovery and neuroscience.

Program by Year

First Year

During first year students take a variety of introductory sciences to lay the foundations for future course work.

In second year students begin focusing on biomedical sciences and continue to build foundational knowledge.

  • Major Students

    BIOL 102 Fundamentals of Biology: Molecular and Cell Biology

    BIOL 103 Fundamentals of Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems

    CHEM 112 General Chemistry

    CISC 151 Elements of Computing with Data Analytics

    PHYS 115 Introduction to Physics I

    MATH 130 Mathematics for Biochemistry and Life Sciences

    BCHM 102 Introduction to Biochemistry or PATH 120 Understanding Human Disease in the 21st Century

    Specialization Students

    Specialzation is not declaired at this time, students will take the same courses as major students. Students may wish to take PSYC 100 Principles of Psychology as it may be a prerequisite for upper year courses.

  • Students may take electives from any faculty in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

    Common Electives Include:

    ANAT 100 Anatomy of the Human Body

    GLPH 171 Social and Physical Determinants of Health and Disease

    IDIS 173 The History and Philosophy of Health and Healthcare

    PHAR 100 Introductory Pharmacology

    PHGY 170 Human Cell Physiology

    PSYC 100 Principles of Psychology

Second Year

  • Major Students

    BCHM 218 Molecular Biology

    CHEM 281 General Organic Chemistry I (with Virtual Laboratory)

    CHEM 282 General Organic Chemistry II (In-Person Labrtory)

    PHGY 215 Principles of Mammalian Physiology l

    PHGY 216 Principles of Mammalian Physiology ll

    One of the following statistics courses: BIOL 243, STAM 200, STAT 263

    One of the following Microbiology courses : MICR 221 Fundamental Microbiology or MICR 271 Introduction to Microbiology

    Students are also required to take one 200 level course from List A which can be found in the academic course guide

    Specialization Students

    BCHM 218 Molecular Biology

    CHEM 281 General Organic Chemistry I (with Virtual Laboratory)

    CHEM 282 General Organic Chemistry II (In-Person Labrtory)

    PHGY 215 Principles of Mammalian Physiology l

    PHGY 216 Principles of Mammalian Physiology ll

    ANAT 215 Principles of Human Morphology I

    ANAT 216 Principles of Human Morphology II

    One of the following statistics courses: BIOL 243, STAM 200, STAT 263

    One of the following Microbiology courses : MICR 221 Fundamental Microbiology or MICR 271 Introduction to Microbiology

  • IDIS 280 Interprofessional Approaches in Healthcare

    BCHM 270 Biochemical Basis of Health and Disease

    GLPH 271 Global and Population Health

    GLPH 281 Racism and Health in Canada

    PHGY 290 Investigation of Human Physiological Responses

Third Year

During third year students are able to begin taking more courses of interest in a variety of biomedical disciplines.

  • Major Students

    Students are required to take 5 courses from List A at the 300 level. These can be found in the academic course guide.

    Specialzation Students

    PHAR 370 Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutic

    Depening on desired sub plan, students will have additional required courses. For more information look at the academic course guide.

  • ANAT 309 Functional Histology

    ANAT 380 Clinically Relevant Human Anatomy

    CANC 380 Evolutionary Biology of Cancer

    GLPH 385 Biohacking & Gerontechnology

    IDIS 373 Health Ethics, Law, and Policy

    LISC 300 The Process of Discovery in the Biomedical Sciences

    LISC 390 Integrated Life Science Laboratory I

    NSCI 325 The Science of Psychedelics

    PATH 310 Introduction to Pathology and Molecular Medicine

    PHGY 350 Pathophysiology

    REPD 372 Reproduction and Development

Fourth Year

In fourth year students can focus on specific subjects related to their career goals and complete research projects.

  • Major Students

    One course from List A at the 400 level. Options can be found in the academic course guide.

    Specialization Students

    499 Research Project

    Students will have additional requirements depending on their subplan, please see academic requirementsfor these courses.

  • ANAT 471 Human Embryology

    BCHM 482 Proteomics and Metabolomics

    CANC 440 Cancer Biology and Therapeutics

    CRSS 454 Cardiovascular Sciences

    GLPH 471 Advanced Global and Population Health

    IDIS 480 Advanced Interprofessional Approaches in Healthcare

    IDIS 483 Applied Health Ethics: Clinical, Organizational, and Research Perspectives

    LISC 400 Neuro-Immune Interactions in Health and Disease

    MICR 452 Viral Infection and Immunity

    NSCI 429 Disorders of the Nervous System

    PATH 430 The Molecular Basis of Disease

    PHAR 480 Drug Discovery and Development

    PHGY 424 Ion Channels of Excitable Cells

    REPD 473 Developmental Origins of Health And Disease